One of the things that I admire in some people is the humility that they have. No matter in what position  the person is, when they are humble, I look at them so high.

I once had this privilege of having dinner with this great man of God, late Dr. DGS Dhinakaran, when he had come to our school. There were many of us at the table with him. I was so cautious as I considered him a great person and dared not open my mouth, but I certainly was observing him and listening to all that he was saying. Being just as humble as anybody could be, he spoke with such meekness and affection, with no sign showing himself to be someone great.

The way he spoke out of love to the children was simply fascinating and his humility was definitely one of the reasons he was lifted up to be such a great man of God.

” Before his downfall a man’s heart is proud, but humility comes before honour.” (Proverbs.18:12)

All of us want to gain honour and go up to great positions in life, but we need to realise that it is important that we posses a humble heart before we start seeing such great things happening to us.

The best role model I can ever think of is Jesus. Our attitude has to be like His, who being in the very nature of God, did not consider equality with God, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. Not just that He humbled Himself and became obedient to death- even death on a cross. (Philippians 2. 5-7)

If the King of kings and the Lord of lords was so humble, how much more should we be so.

Now, this is what we need to do. We need to love and respect each other, considering others better than ourselves. When we do this we will be humble in our hearts.

Loving and respecting others with all our hearts may not be as easy as we talk about it. But with God all things are possible. All we need to do is ask for His strength and grace, which He will provide lavishly because He is a loving God.

Imitating the love of Christ doesn’t just happen by itself. It happens as we spend more and more time with Him, meditating on His word and praying fervently. The more we spend our time with a person, the more we become like them. It is the same when we spend time with God. We will be transformed to be like Him in due time. We do not have to worry about how it will happen for God will take care of it.

Remember, we need not lose the honour which God has in store for us even on this earth. Let us hold on to Jesus and be like Him and He will do great and mighty things in and through our lives.

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